Benefits of Street Tree Guards for New York City & Beyond
Street trees make cities healthier and urban communities more vital and alive. Every street in New York and beyond with well-tended trees makes a statement that the people living there are invested in making their city a better place to live.
Unfortunately, urban trees have lots of predators: pollution, traffic, winter salt spray, vandalism, limited access to water, a confined growing space, bicycles and especially urine from pets. It’s for this reason street trees and urban gardens need a lot of care.
According to research, young street trees with tree guards had a 15.8% greater chance of survival then trees without tree protection. In the same study, stewardship, such as signage and plantings around the tree pit, gave street trees a 36% greater chance of survival then those trees that didn’t show any visible signs of care1.
Whether you are owners or managers of co-ops, condos, apartment buildings or townhouses in NYC and beyond, adding a little ‘Curb Allure’ will add value to your properties while contributing to the enhancement of our urban forest. A Curb Allure rust resistant tree guard offers:
- Instant street appeal: Your property will look well tended and welcoming.
- Easy ordering and installation: Simply order your tree guard and it will arrive in about a week. When it arrives, one person can typically assemble a standard tree guard within one hour.
- Affordable choices: You can purchase Curb Allure’s affordable standard tree fence or invest in upgrades of our decorative tree guard panels and accessories such as garden planter boxes.
- A long-term investment: Curb Allure’s tree guard frames, accessories and panels are all powder coated for long term durability. If the powder gets chipped, Curb Allure sells a touch up pen that is color matched to perfectly blend with your tree guard. If anything on your tree guard gets damaged, you can replace it yourself by simply calling us to order the necessary part. Call us at 212.769.CURB(2872) or Toll Free at 800.800.5100.
- Good solutions for urban challenges: Urine guards, that protect trees and flowers against dog waste, adjustable feet that help to overcome sloping sidewalks, and rotating anchor plates that let you stake your tree guard down without worrying about harming tree roots are only some of the features Curb Allure offers that are specific to urban environments.
- Safety and security: Curb Allure’s locking screws are proprietary. It is more than a screw – it is a ‘locking screw’ that repels all other security bit tips and vice grips. All the panels and accessories neatly fit into or through the rails to keep all Curb Allure’s elements safe and secure.
- A unique design: Curb Allure’s system offers a fresh new line of tree guard products that are completely unique in the market. Mix and match ornamental panels, custom post caps, and a variety of accessories to have a classic or a unique look to your tree guard.
- Breakaway Brackets: Our signature brackets are designed to “give” and not “resist” on significant impact. This saves your guard and your investment.
- A solution that meets city guidelines: Curb Allure tree guards address all the standards and goals set forth by the New York Parks Department. For example, the bottom rail is minimized and raised off the ground to allow water to easily flow into the tree beds.
In addition to vast number of environmental advantages, studies have proven that mature and healthy trees and/ or well-maintained urban gardens:
- Provide faster sales/higher property prices: Sell your co-op, condo, apartment or townhouse faster at higher prices2.
- Lessen street noise: Street noise can be reduced by up to 50%3 and reduce aggression significantly4.
- Reduce vandalism or graffiti: 90% of instances occur in areas without plantings versus 10% in landscaped areas.5
- Reduce crime: In a study, areas with high levels of vegetation recorded 52% fewer crimes. Street trees have been proven to reduce violence and graffiti, which are burdens to any community6.
- Reduce energy costs: Summer and winter energy costs can decrease by up to 10% if the co-op, condo, apartment or townhouse is at or below the tree canopy7.
For all of these reasons and more, Curb Allure’s patented line of tree guard products help make your property and city more livable, breathable and beautiful.
- 1. Jacqueline Lu and Jennifer Greenfeld New York City’s Young Street Tree Mortality Study ( November, 2010
- 2. New York City Parks Department, (
- 3. USDA National Agroforestry Center, Trees as Noise Buffers,
- 4. Francese Kyo and William C, Sullivan, Aggression: In the Inner City (
- 5. Stamen, Green Cities: Good Health, ( 1993.
- 6. F.E. Kuo, and W.C. Sullivan. Environment and Crime in the Inner City: Does Vegetation Reduce Crime? (, 2001.
- 7. Urban Forestry Network, (